Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What a shame .__."

What is your opinion when you see all of the pictures shown below?
The question that play in my head are where is their shyness when they captured all this picture?
Didn't they have sense of shame?Is it because they just wanna have "happy besties time" konon nya ?
Apalah nak jadi dengan today's teenagers?Kot ye pon nak menayang,no need la depan public..
bukan kau orang jer yang ade b****t nak di tayang..Me as a girl same like you guys memang malu gila.
Kalau kau dah gatal sangat nak appoint pun kan,kau capture picture kau sendiri,
then store them in your phone sudah..hah that time kau nak capture a thousand naked photos pun
terserah kau..handphone kau..When is all this sort of thing will stop?Shame on all race and religion only..

#tak malu sgt kan?kenapa tak buka semua jer? ergg -____-"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Judging ?

Everyone has a secret they haven’t shared. Everyone has a past no one’s heard about. Everyone has talents that people don’t notice. Everyone has weaknesses hidden inside. Everyone has a story left untold, so never start judging someone thinking you know them back to front. Because the truth is, you probably don’t.

I'm Your's

Trust is the first thing you need before a relationship, so if i have you, why would i need to pay attention to other people? Trust me that when i’m yours. I’m yours, settled, and done with fun.

When you like someone?

You pay so much more
attention to the little things than you did before. Their daily outfits suddenly become that much more attractive and the music they listen to becomes the soundtrack to your life or something. You catch yourself constantly staring at them - every little movement they make captures your attention a little more every time. Their existence becomes a tonic, making you feel that much more stronger when you’re lucky enough to see them.

True Friend

"A true friend: Someone who knows you inside & out

Someone who is there for you through the good, the bad, and all the wonderful things life has to bring''someone who can make you laugh & knows just when you need to..someone who knows when you just need a hug or a shoulder to lean on. A true friend never judges you and loves you unconditionally. A true friend will always be there in the end. If you have someone like that in your life, or more than one you are blessed. These are real life angels. Keep them always close and in your heart. A true friend will never leave and always be there in the end.."

Keep clean

Ok hi blogger's..lulu sudah delete the older's post yang lulu update before..yang agak tak senang dibaca tue?ingat tak?ker tak ingat?haha btw tak kisah laa..I don't want to think that simple matter anymore,it's just ridiculous and suck bebeh..seing her face can make me blow out without any reason...I also don't need friend like her..eventhough she said negative thing about me and my family,what can i do?It's her mouth so hopefully god can give the best way to teach her in this world or what's the moral value?keep yourself clean honey :)

#sangat nonsense and p lantak la kalau tak faham pun buat faham la ye ? HAHA

Monday, August 22, 2011

Miss Him ♥

"Yes.I love him..I love him more than anything else in this world and there is nothing that I
would like better than to hold on to him forever..
Dear brain, you were completely right about him..
With a right person, even a simple song will turn into a beautiful melody

Smile ♥

I love smiling at random people. Some of them smile back. Some of them get really creeped out, but that makes it worth it..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I miss my pet "Cici Caldina" & it's gone forever now :'(
Cici died on 1 August 2011
at 8 p.m after I breaking fast .
Now , I am so lonely without Cici ~
Raya tahun 2011 takda Cici lah jawabnya .
Tak sempat nak balik raya sesama :(

Rest In Peace baby , we always love you
take care tau :)
nanti hari2 kami tenguk cici kat belakang OKAY ?

Lotsa LOVE : L.K.L.A <3<3