What is your opinion when you see all of the pictures shown below?
The question that play in my head are where is their shyness when they captured all this picture?
Didn't they have sense of shame?Is it because they just wanna have "happy besties time" konon nya ?
Apalah nak jadi dengan today's teenagers?Kot ye pon nak menayang,no need la depan public..
bukan kau orang jer yang ade b****t nak di tayang..Me as a girl same like you guys memang malu gila.
Kalau kau dah gatal sangat nak appoint pun kan,kau capture picture kau sendiri,
then store them in your phone sudah..hah that time kau nak capture a thousand naked photos pun
terserah kau..handphone kau..When is all this sort of thing will stop?Shame on all race and religion only..
#tak malu sgt kan?kenapa tak buka semua jer? ergg -____-"