Saturday, November 12, 2011

Missyouusoomuchhhhh !

Kalau lahh awak tahu macam mane saya rindukan awak and perlukan awak sekarang :'(

Lone Ranger O_O

Saya bukanlah someone yang suka berfikir sesuatu tanpa sebab..I'll think when I felt something smells fishy..I dont like being curious all the times..I release when all my question got solution..Seriously mmg kecil hati dengan awak..Saya tahu awak busy tapi when you have chance to call me or text me,you're not appreciate it..That makes me so dissapointed...Saya nak text awak nak tanya kang sedih tak pasal berbaldi2 pulak air mata luah kat sini jela..biar laa..pendam jelaa sedih ni sorang2..nak buat macam mane..dah mmg I'm a LONER :'(

Fever :(

Hi everyone, how are you guys today? Sihat? Well alhamdulillah for those who sihat sejahtera. You guys are so lucky sebab boleh makan, minum and whatsoever dengan penug berselera. I'm not well la. I got fever. Ermm baru yesterday kena. First, ptg tu tak rasa sangat yet nak malam tuu teruk sangat. Hidung nie taktau la nak cakap. Rasanye dah macam air paip. mengalir jer. Sampai sakit2 hidung dengan merahnye. So korang jgn la demam yer. susah laa. nak keluar pun susah. Btw, lately nie agak stress laa. I don't know why but there's something playing on my mind. Hmm rasanye dengan mem'blog' kan perasaan ni maybe kurang sikit kot pressure. Ahhh life life.. You put so much pressure on my shoulder..Sometimes boleh menangis pk. Ni demam pun sorang2, Takpe. Lulu okayy. Saya kan strong. Haha tak strong jugak laaa. Hurmm. The best part is masa nak masuk tidur. Crying in my blanket. crying tak crying jugak la. ade ala2 whispering jugak. dah nak nges kuat2 kang ade yg dengar. slow2 dah laa. Pastu bgun pg mata hidung merah. Hmm. Entah la. Kdg2 bila pk pasal semua benda nie, nak aje pergi jauh2 dari semua orang. If all was that easy...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Opps Lelaki[!]

Oh ehem. Ok Hi everyone.
Hows life?
Easy come,easy go huh?
Haha. btw topik untuk hari ini adalah " Cute Guy "
Zaman sekarang ni kan ramai cute guy, Merata-rata rasanya ,
pandang kanan ade ,
pandang kiri pun ade ,
macam tuu juga dengan depan & belakang .
Tapi kebanyakan "cute guy" ni semua nya orang kata sombong , and the
most important kan semuanya berminat dengan kaum sejenis , haa?apa?gay?
Yes , thats what I mean .
Mmg susah nak cari yang straight sekarang nie , semuanya gay . Alahai.
Kalau dah semua lelaki2 comel ni fall in love dengan sesame dia ,
Perempuan yang single-2 semua ni bagaimana ?
Haha. Kdg-2 rasa geli hati dengan kerenah diaorg ni . Tp yang bestnya ,
"cute guy" yg gay ni kebanyakan nye memahami hati perempuan , sebab tu
diaorang bole jadi besties dengan perempuan .
If they were boys , Opps I mean "real boys" laa kan mesti sweet jerr ,
Tapi nak buat macam mana kalau dah dia mcm tuu ,
Yg penting don't you ever dare insulting them .
They got their own life so do you ,
SO ? Mind your own business laa jawabnya .
Mybe mereka ade cerita disebalik diri mereka , Who knows ?
So kalau you all dapat berkenalan dengan jejaka yang comel dan sure mereka jejaka tulen
jgn la lepaskan peluang . Flirt selagi boleh tp jangan overflirt sudah .
Kang dari suka , menyampah jadinya. Hahaha .

ℒℴvℯ ,

Monday, September 19, 2011

Alahai cantiknye (:

Do you ever dream how if you is one of the Stiletto's Heels ambassador ? Great huh ? :D

STILETTO HEELS – The spindly stiletto heel is associated with images of femme fatales by mainstream culture due to their slender pointed aesthetics. In 1909 Andre Perugia pioneered the first inception of these fashion forward heels but the modern slim heel didn’t reach critical mass until the following decades. Stiletto’s remained in the collective fashion conscious due to the efforts of designers such as Kristin S. Wagner, Roger Vivier, and Manolo Blanik among others. The term stiletto refers to a measurable thin pin or stalk.

#Cantik nyee,lagi cantik kalau dapat hadiah kan?haha sedihh!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's hurting me..

Dear blogger,
Lately ni aku rasa something different,maybe sebab 'he' busy with he's work and tiada masa untuk aku but i'm okay with it even tak suka juga mcm tu ,tp takpe laa,dia busy untuk future dia juga..But then 'he' say yang aku berubah??Aku tak berubah,can't you see it?Why i'm acting like this?Aku perlukan masa dengan kau..even sikit,please pay attention towards me!Org lain pun busy jugak..tapi still ade masa dengan gf..kau busy a whole day..after meeting takkan la lansung takbole nak spend time dengan aku?perlu ke sampai late nite pun kau still nak lepak and all that?pastu kau ckp dengan aku please faham kau..ape tuu?Sedih kau rasa tak sesedih yang aku rasa...Okay fine..Started from now..kau focus on your work ok?I will give you time for all that...Jangan risau..and jangan lah tanya aku kenapa senyap jer OK?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Best Moments In Life... ¢ª͜¢ª

(1) Giving The 1st Salary To Your Parents.
.(2) Looking at Old Photos & Smiling...
.(3) A Sweet & Emotional Chat With Friends...
... .(4) Holding Hands With Your Loved Ones For a Walk...
.(5) Getting a Hug From One Who Cares You.
.(6) 1st Kiss To Your Child When He/She Is Born...
.(7) The Moments When Your Eyes Are Filled With Tears After a Big Laugh